Two simple slide presentations here showcasing songs I have composed for my mathematical logic classes.
As I have taught mathematical logic classes beginning in 1984, I have always had the biased thinking that mathematical logic is meant for pre-law, science, mathematics and engineering students. This to the disadvantage of arts students. Accidental participants by force of circumstance, I have always thought.
I have not cared much for my College of Fine Arts, College of Arts and Letters students, or other students with similar interests.
Looks like my students have imbibed my bias in this case, both pre-law, science, mathematics and engineering students, on one hand, and arts and music students, on the other hand.
Looks like I myself have imbibed this bias, unknowingly as it has happened, from my own mentors at the Philosophy Department.
Sometime around over ten or so years ago, I have come to a realization that the bias has been grossly unfair. This, as I have pondered upon the upcoming wonders of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI).
It has looked unquestionable to me then, even in those days, that AI, AGI and ASI are going to be with us. Just a matter of when it is going to happen, not a matter of if it is going to happen.
The following have been the closing sentences I have written for a book, Ethics and Logic, that Dr. Leonardo De Castro and I have authored in 1991.
Such advances tell of an actuality when machines replace human beings in factories, (outer) space and other forms of extraordinary travel, research activities, and even in warfare.
The near future is perhaps going to be one lorded over by nations at whose disposal are such forms of technology. Since basic to such forms are advances in studies in Modern Symbolic Logic, none of such nations that do not want to be lorded over by other powers can afford to be caught without such advances in these studies.
The need here cannot be overemphasized. Study of logic, in a way, is preparation for the eventuality of such a future.
My lectures on Logic from Thales onto Pythagoras, Aristotle, Euclid, Descartes, Leibniz, George Boole, Bertrand Russell, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Claude Shannon, Alan Turing, The Vienna Circle, and Robert Wiener, among many other thinkers have tended to be going only in this direction -- the advent of ASI.
It has been since 1991 that I have been very much into Artificial Intelligence, occasionally teaching Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence as a full-blown subject, always teaching it as an essential part of Philosophical Analysis syllabus. That year, having purchased a book on it by Margaret Boden at the La Solidaridad Book Store along Padre Faura, Manila.
Those have been the wonderful days of discussions on the matter over lunch, sometimes on a daily basis, at the Faculty Center. National Scientist Dr. Alfredo Lagmay has been such an inspiration although he has had his own view contrary to mine.

Some over two decades later, I have pivoted 180 degrees. I tell my students that mathematical logic has so much to do with art. To show how so, I take the challenge of going into the world of music myself -- much the same way Pythagoras himself has melded music and mathematics.
I cannot go into details here. I can only say that I have come to a point whence I have had to compose songs as I have thought AI would be able to do it step by step. This, so that my students who are into art and music can appreciate the connection between mathematical logic, on one hand, and, art and music, on the other hand.
The two songs here are part of a over-20-or-so-song repertoire I have been regularly using for my classes.
I have added slide presentations to the songs. The slides come from one of my trips abroad.
I have used Canva to create the presentation. I have used IPhone 11 Garage Band for recording the songs. I have sung the songs myself.
Our start-up, Bridge360, Inc., has been into Deep Learning research itself since 2018.
Those days, I have been telling my students, including serious artists themselves, that AI is, someday, going to, itself on its own, compose poems and songs. Fat chance students have believed me.
A challenge how we may view creativity, I tell them.